Thursday 22 May 2014

National Executive: Joint Strike Action on July 10th

Today's NUT National Executive agreed the next steps in our Stand Up for Education campaign and our dispute with the Secretary of State for Education.

The following paper was agreed:

Changes at Teachers Support Network

TSN has been consulting on winding up the charity and replacing it with a new charity.  The NUT has concerns that the new body would not be closely enough focussed on supporting teachers.  In particular, the current structure and governance proposed for the for the new charity falls well short of acceptable representation of teachers and the NUT at both Board and Advisory level.

Monday 19 May 2014

National Executive This Week

The NUT National Executive meets this week and my papers have arrived.  I thought it might be useful to share some of the key agenda items in advance so that members have some idea what will be discussed later in the week.  I have also included a bit of explanation of how the National Executive operates.  If you are not so interested in this, skip to the bottom for the agenda items.  If you have opinions on the following that you would like to share, I can be contacted, as always, on

Friday 2 May 2014

National Executive: Focusing Our Energies on Professional Unity

Immediately following the close of NUT Annual Conference on Tuesday 22nd April, the National Executive held a special meeting to elect the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of Standing Committees and several other positions.  I drove to Oxford on Monday night in order to teach my Y6 maths group but returned to Brighton in time for the vote. The results of these elections are shown below.