Thursday 9 January 2014

2nd Oxfordshire Reading Conference

The OECD report Reading for Change states that engaging children in reading for pleasure as "may be one of the most effective ways to leverage social change."  There is a significant amount of research to back up this assertion.

As a teacher working with children entitled to the Pupil Premium, I see daily the power that developing a love of reading has to change children's self-perception and aspirations.

I am especially pleased, therefore, that we will be running our second Reading for Pleasure Conference in Oxfordshire next month.  Last year's conference, organised as part of the Oxfordshire Reading Campaign, was a huge success and those teachers who attended felt that they really gained something from the conference, several going back to run INSET for colleagues in school afterwards.

And what's more, the conference is entirely FREE.

This year, we have invited back Alan Gibbons (children's author and organiser of the Campaign for the Book) and Tony Whatmuff (Leicester Every Child a Reader) to give the keynote addresses in the morning and run workshops in the afternoon.  But we have also decided to expand the conference by opening it to parents, governors and others with an interest in the teaching and learning of reading.

We also want to invite participants from neighbouring counties so, if you are able to make it to Oxford on February 1st, between 10am and 4pm (registration from 9.30am), do join us.

Details of how to register for the conference are available here.

In the meantime, you may find the following resources useful:

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